If your anxiety revolves around work, you might be experiencing workplace anxiety, also known as work stress.
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According to Mental Health America’s 2021 Mind the Workplace report, almost 83 percent of respondents felt emotionally drained from their work.
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A number of factors can contribute to workplace anxiety, and these can vary from person to person.
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If you already live with anxiety you might go straight to the worst-case scenario. Consequently, your workplace might become a significant source of stress.
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Workplace anxiety can feel overwhelming and unrelenting. But with a few small steps, you can successfully overcome or manage your work stress.
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Identifying specific situations that increase your stress levels can help you figure out the best strategy to handle them going forward.
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When you get anxious and stress levels soar, your natural inclination might be to respond with self-criticism.
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When big projects and presentations produce anxiety, getting organised can help reduce feelings of overwhelm.
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Identifying specific behaviours and tasks you will or won’t accept and communicating these boundaries to colleagues and clients can help.