A TikTok star has claimed that her nipple fell off while breastfeeding. Jasmine Chiswell, who is known for creating content around her family, and for being dressed like late Hollywood icon Marilyn Monroe, said her nipple was “falling off” after her one-year-old son Midnight bit her during breastfeeding.
Chiswell, who is famous for posting content dressed as late Hollywood icon Marilyn Monroe, told her 16.4 million followers: “Nipple falling off update…I’m In shock right now!!”
Similar claims have been made by another TikTok star earlier. Brooke, also known as @Brookesobasic, wrote about her breastfeeding experience in a post titled “Things I Wish I Knew About Breastfeeding." She claims she was attempting to latch her newborn son onto her breast when she noticed something was wrong. “I noticed the latch was not so good, my nipple started to turn black at the base and white at the base. “That’s a sign of poor blood flow, and no blood is reaching the nipple," she said, according to a report by Hollywood Unlocked.
“I strapped my baby boy in, he’s nursing, and he stops. I’m looking down, and he appears to be choking. My nipple had broken off and was in his mouth. “I began to panic and freak out," she continued. Brooke stated that she, her sister, and her mother removed the nipple, rinsed it, and reapplied it. Her nurse also told her that if there was enough blood flow, the nipple could reattach itself on its own.
How Much Truth Is There to These Claims?
“It’s almost physically impossible for babies to bite while sucking, but they may bite after they’ve finished or when teething," Midwife Pip, an experienced midwifery sister and podcaster, told Cosmopolitan UK. “The biting may cause pain and damage to your nipple, but it will not fall off."
However, this is not to say that nipple damage does not occur. “A baby with teeth may cause more nipple injury, but this is uncommon and should not be a concern for expectant or new mothers when deciding whether or not to breastfeed," she adds.
Midwife Pip, added: “Nipple damage is a common symptom of a more serious problem, such as latching or an oral restriction such as a tongue tie. Nipple damage, especially in the early weeks, should prompt you to consult with a health care professional about breastfeeding."
Do Nipples Grow Back?
According to a report by Healthline, nipples can sustain serious injuries and are most common during breastfeeding. They can also happen if a person snags or pulls out a nipple ring by accident, or during strenuous exercise.
Smaller injuries, with proper care, can heal. However, if a nipple is completely cut off from the body, it will not grow back.
This is because nipples are more than just skin; they are complex body parts required for breastfeeding.
The nipples are located in the centre of the breasts or in darker areas of skin known as areolas. The areola contains tiny glands in women. During breastfeeding, these glands produce oils that help keep the breasts clean and lubricated.
Milk is produced in breast tissue and delivered to the baby during breastfeeding via the nipple. It is impossible to recreate a nipple that will function during breastfeeding after a woman has lost her entire nipple, the report says.
How to Protect Nipples?
“Taking time and care over your latch, ensuring baby has a deep latch on the breast and is well positioned," the Pip told Cosmopolitan UK. “This means they’re feeding on the softest part of their mouth, which will protect your nipple."
“Pain or nipple damage while breastfeeding are signs you should get a thorough breastfeeding assessment," she further advised.
This article is not meant to be a substitute to medical advice. Contact your health care professional for a personalised diagnosis.
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