Tips To Survive Toxic Work Environment 

A toxic working environment is one where you feel psychologically unsafe. There’s often a general feeling of negativity, unhealthy competition, and aggression.

Most of us spend a good portion of our day at work. If 8 hours of your day are filled with toxicity, it can significantly affect your
mental health.

Having a positive attitude and collaborative mindset may help in certain situations, remember that there’s only so much you can do to improve the culture at your work.

Try to walk away from any drama or gossip as much as possible. Nothing positive will come from it.

It’s a good idea to keep a few work allies, so you can support and confide in one another.

Do your best to stay in a positive state of mind. You won’t be here forever, and you have bigger and better things ahead of you.

If someone at work is being cruel to you, do your best to not respond in kind. It will only make the situation escalate.

Take up meditation, yoga, or engage in daily exercise to help you handle chronic stress.

Do something after work to psychologically clear away the negativity. You can take a walk in nature, take a hot shower,
or call a friend.

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